Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today started out as a hopeful day on the calendar. Hopeful, in that we were hoping for the joy that comes from seeing that tiny beating heart on an ultrasound screen. Things, however, don't always go as we plan and instead we went for a follow up visit for a miscarriage instead. Because, we believe that life begins at conception, we value that life and love it dearly.
It has been seven years since we have had a little girl and our thoughts had been turned to perhaps having a little girl again with the plan to name her Molly. The big kids too had talked about having another sister and were looking forward to the possibility. Both Anne Michal and Elizabeth told me separately, "I feel like we lost our Molly." While we know this baby may have been a boy and we would have loved him just as dearly as Molly, we feel we lost our Molly and have names her accordingly.
So today we greive the loss of Molly Anderson who had a short but precious life in this world and now has perfect life in the presence of Jesus with big brother Knox.


Kierstyn said...

I'm so sorry Rachel, Jon, Anne Michal, Lizzy, Emma, Jack and Creed. How loved that little baby was, and I know how missed she will be. Our prayers are with you.

Lindsey B said...

I'm so sorry!!!!! I had no idea you were expecting. A loss is a loss and I'm so sorry for your pain.

The Lords hands be upon you to strengthen and comfort you.

Anonymous said...

. . .


Christi said...

We continue to pray for all of you as you are grieving the loss of little Molly (and that is such a sweet name).

Unknown said...

See.. a miscarriage IS a loss! I'll be praying for you as you mourn the very real loss of Molly. I'm so sorry --

Heather said...

Continually praying my friend.

Love you. Let's go for a walk soon. :)

Robin Stevens said...

Beautifully written. Molly, I can't wait to meet you one day.

Anonymous said...

Rachel!!!! I am just now checking in on your blog; I am very sad for you guys...I will certainly be praying for your family.
Love to you,