has come and almost gone. That makes 4 if you have lost count. I can't say I am sorry to see it go, but it doesn't change anything. I still miss this little guy like crazy.
This was our second annual picnic to Baylor Fields during bluebonnet season. There were not many wildflowers, but we had a lot of fun anyway!
Emma eating her lunch.
Elizabeth is thoroughly enjoying her poker sandwich courtesy Miss Peggy.
A close up....corned beef on jewish rye with swiss, mayo, mustard, and a kosher dill. Janey Kate, hanging out on Council's lap. The kids flew kites. You can tell by Creed's eyes that he is watching the kites. He had a lot of fun chasing them! Lunch #2? Christopher always takes time to hang out with Creed. I love how Creed says his name. More kite flying. Old Baylor has some awesome tress for climbing. I love these old live oaks.