We decided to do something a little bit different this time and had a carnival/fair theme for our baptism party. We had hot dogs with all the fixings, seasoned potatoes, corn and sausage, raw veggies(for good measure), kettle corn, homemade pretzels, caramel apples and moon pies. Jon helped organize games like a three-legged race, jump the pond, wheelbarrow race, and more. The kids and their helper, Miss Carol--or the other way around--made 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons. It was really good old-fashioned fun!
I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the decorations and food , but this is the banner that the kids made with Miss Carol.

Some of Janey Kate's guests...

Pictures of the games...

The big kids played lots of basketball.

The party kept going after a beautiful sunset.

Some nighttime fishing...

Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate with us in the joy of Janey Kate's baptism!!!