Yesterday Chik-fil-A gave a way free meals to people dressed up like cows so we dressed the kids all up like cows and met some kids there. It was very fun and the kids had a blast dressing up and seeing all the other people dressed up as well. Here are a few pics.

Outside...Jack had a sign to but left it at home. He really didn't want to dress up at first, but I told him if he wanted to eat then he had to...haha. He loves Chik-Fil-A.

Waiting to order with our friends. We had one of their girls with us so I went up to the counter and told the gal that I had 6 cows with me and she took a deep breath and said...ok...before she took our order.

Our friend, Mary Esther, holding Creed.

Elizabeth and her friend Emma. All I could think of was"How Now Brown Cow"

Our Emma(not wearing her spint!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and her friend Sarah Bess.

The rest of the cows...minus Creed.

And the cutest cow of all that ate a serious amount of food.