Saturday, November 20, 2010

Newborn Pics

all at least 2 1/2 years old. ;-) My friend Marsha has been after me for a while to post baby pictures of all my kids for comparison as they tend to look a bit alike, but the first 4 were born pre-digital(or pre-digital for us) so I had a bit of difficulty finding and scanning just what I wanted but I think these will do. I did have a bit of trouble telling some of the hospital pics apart which is why there are none. Fortunately, Jack and Emma were the only two born in the same house so once we go them home the background is very telling!!!

First Anne Michal

Then Elizabeth Austen

Emma Claire...

The first boy...Jon Patrick (Jack)

Matthew Knox (Knox)

Simeon Creed (Creed)

And then for fun, pics of Jon and I as babies. Yep, they all look much more like their dad!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Anne Michal and Her Shadow Make Pizza Bread

Creed loves his sister Anne Michal whom he calls "Daju" though we have yet to figure that one out. She is always sweet to play with him and help take care of him but she made an extra special effort today to include her in most of what she did. She made dinner(pizza bread) tonight with my instructions and Creed was her assistant.

Her look in the picture below is because he had just taken a bite of pepperoni and then put it on the dough. He picked it back up though and ate the rest of it.

This is so fun!!

He did not want to give up the rolling pin. PopPop better be ready for a new assistant chef!