I have been browsing this blog getting lots of good ideas for healthy natural food to feed my family and it was making me rather hungry. So then I started thinking about breakfast and rather looking forward to it because I am having my most favorite breakfast ever in the morning.
Steel cut oats with blueberries, a bit of sweetener of choice( really wish HEB hadn't quit selling Sucanat in bulk ;-( ), pecans, a dollop of greek yogurt, and a sprinkling of cinnamon. I think I'll add some strawberries to it too. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm.... What great start to the day!
* If your family doesn't like the texture of oatmeal, try putting the oats in a pot the night before with half the water needed to cook them and a spoonful of yogurt. Put the lid on it and leave it until morning. Add the rest of the water and cook as usual. Your oatmeal will have a much creamier texture. Mine is soaking while we speak! :-)