She likes to make my life easy and picks the same ice cream cake every year though we do mix up the flavors. The cake is made by crushing up oreos and putting them in the bottom of a cake pan. Next you pour hot fudge over them to hold them together(and to add to their yumminess) and then layer two flavors of ice cream. Last you top with whipped cream.
She spent the two weeks before her birthday vacationing with another family to help with their children so while she was gone Elizabeth and I did a bit of a redo in her room. We painted 3 of her walls(the red one stayed the same), made some pillows, some wall art, curtains and elizabeth painted her dresser drawers though I forgot to take a picture of those. She had no idea we were doing it. I tried to get her reaction on video but besides the fact my camera card surprised me by being full, she ducked out of the way when she saw the camera. She played it pretty cool but she really likes it! I am thinking about kicking her out and moving in myself!

Her curtains. Her windows have been naked since we moved into this house so it is nice to have them dressed!