Saturday, January 1, 2011

October, November, December 2010 Book Log

108. The Eumenides by Aeschylus

109. Oedipus the King by Sophocles

110. The Mermaids Singing by Val McDermid

111. The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry

112. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

113. The Wire in the Blood by Val McDermid

114. Cross Fire by James Patterson

115. Church Planter: The Man, The Message, The Mission by Darrin Patrick

116. Jonathan Edwards on Beauty by Owen Strachan

117. Leaders That Last by Dave Kraft

118. Total Church: A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community by Tim Chester

119. Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology by Eugene Peterson

120. Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power and The Only Hope that Matters by Timothy Keller

2010 was a good year in books, though I still bought more books than I read. Looking forward to 2011. Happy New Year!

Janey Kate is One Month Old

I can't believe it has been a month already(5weeks now really). She passed the 4 week mark on Christmas Day and I had to clarify with Jon that it had really been 4 weeks and not just 3. Time is already flying with this sweet girl. I remember saying with Creed that #6 was just as amazing as the first 5 and I can say the same about #7. If anything there is more to marvel over than less. I get to do this again rather than I have to do this again. I actually wrote the following the other day but it seemed fitting to post it with her one month picture.

I keep looking at Janey Kate and being amazed. It seems silly when I have done this a time or two before but it seemed different. My body seemed so broken while I was pregnant with all the back and leg pain I experienced that it just amazes me to have this whole being, so tiny, and well-knit together. I feel so blessed.

It reminds me of how when I look at Creed I am amazed to see his beautiful smiling, ever joyful face. I was so sad while pregnant with him and full of grief and sleepless nights, I was just sure he'd be the most melancholy kid ever but instead God blessed me with the life of the party that brings a smile to the face of every path he crosses. I feel so blessed.

Just a reminder that God works his own wonderful plans in spite of my brokenness. I am dependent on Him not Him on me. My children are His before they are mine. Ultimately, they are under His loving care which far exceeds mine.
Posing with her bunny that is going to gauge her growth. She wasn't very happy about it. ;-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Creed

Creed, do you want to pray?
No, I prayed last night.

Creed, can I play with that?
You can have it tomorrow.

Creed, why is your underwear wet? doesn't mean anything.

Mama, can I have this? It is my favorite.

As he was talking and raising one eyebrow...Creed, where are your eyebrows?

I not my bedroom I think.

Hey, Buddy Boy!
I not Buddy Boy; I Creed-o!

Hey, Creed-o!
I not Creed-o; I Buddy Boy!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Just a few pictures from our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Posing after Christmas Eve Service. I am so grateful for a church that has a Christmas Eve service.

Creed had a Thomas Christmas. He loves his trains.

Elizabeth has learned the art of taking pictures of the important things. Too bad her mama didn't buy her socks that fit or that the sock company didn't make them the size they said they were. The jury is still out on that one.
A happy Janey Kate on her first Christmas morning. She is definitely a good gift!

We have really got to teach this boy to smile for the camera, but then we'd probably miss this goofy grin.

Emma, more stoic that she'd been all morning, wearing everything she got for Christmas except the rollers for her hair.