I want to let you know about an awesome home business. She didn't ask me to do this, but I am because her products are some of my favorite things. Laura of
Laura's Lathers makes some fabulous soaps and soap products.
My absolute favorite is her shampoo and my favorite scent is cherry almond. Her shampoos and soaps are all natural and free of chemicals and products that are harsh on your skin and bad for your health. This is going to sound a bit odd maybe, but my scalp had been chronically hurting. If I ran my fingers through my hair or the wind blew my hair it would hurt to the touch. When I quit using commercial shampoos with their sulfates and other chemicals and started using Laura's natural shampoo it went away. I am not a total green freak(and I mean that freak in a good way ;-)) but it really made me start thinking about the products that we use, what is in them, and how to avoid harsh chemicals.
Besides her shampoos, I have been using her bar soaps for quite a while. Again, the cherry almond is my favorite. Her bars make a really soft generous lather and are better than any shaving cream. They leave your skin so soft and clean.
The last time I ordered, I tried some new products including lotion, liquid soap, and lip balm. It is all great and I especially love the peppermint ice lip balm. Oh and living in a place where mosquitos exist almost year round, I can't forget her bug off spray made with all natural ingredients. It really works!!! I love having something chemical free bug spray to put on my kids.
Check out
Laura's Lathers. You won't be disappointed!!