Rockstar #1 --Emma Claire Anderson
For cleaning the
kitchen up way past 10 yr old capability even though she is only 9.
This included even cleaning the cabinets with wood cleaner and mopping
the kitchen floor by hand. A wonderful surprise when I walked in the
door after being gone all afternoon.
Rockstar #2 --Elizabeth Austen Anderson
For cleaning the living room and dining room to a sparkly finish.
Besides her normal chores, she mopped by hand and cleaned my sewing area
giving order to my piles of stuff.
Rockstar #3 --Anne Michal Anderson
For being a very mature 14 year old who could have handled her own appt
at the ENT including a CT scan and scheduling outpatient surgery
without me if it weren't for all those pesky forms I had to sign as
Rockstar #4 ---Mallory Jane Katharine Anderson
For napping all afternoon enabling her sisters to become the rockstars they were.
These fruitful days are the days that keep you going!!!!! Anderson girls rock!