Happy Second Birthday Creed!!! You are a joy and delight to us every day. We are so thankful for your little life!!!

Blowing out his candles.

Close up of the cake. I don't think any bakeries will be calling any time soon. ;-)

I always cook the birthday child's request but since he is a bit young, I guessed at his favorite meal and fixed a gourmet meal of hotdogs and chips.

Opening presents...Jack drove me crazy for weeks before hand to go buy Creed a present.

I think he has the present thing all figured out.

Jack and Anne Michal(the baseball lovers) bought Creed a t-ball set.

Heading to the pool in his new ride.

Doing a little swimming with his Lizzy.

No birthday is complete without something for Daddy to put together.

Saying Hello to the world..May 22, 2008 12:34 PM

Turning 1 in 2009.
Could he be any cuter?!?!?!? Happy Birthday, Creed!
(I love the pic of Jack in your header.)
I love his little tummy hanging out in the first pic!!
Be still my heart. He is beyond precious. Thanks for sharing his Birthday with us. The cake looks great.
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