On Saturday, November 27, 2010 around 3:00 my parents walked in after driving two days. I walked around for a few minutes and said to Jon, "I think we should go ahead and go to the hospital. I told my dad there was food in the freezer he could find for dinner and told the kids to be helpful. At 8:03 PM, we welcomed Mallory Jane Katharine into our family. She was 7lb 4oz and 19 1/2 in. She is simply beautiful.

Around 7:40 Jon called home to tell my parents to put the kids to bed as it looked like it would be a while. A few minutes later we changed our minds and he had to call them back so they could come see their new sister. I knew they wouldn't be able to sleep without meeting her so they all came up in their jammies!

Sucking her thumb!!

Grandma introducing her to Creed.

Creed was quite certain he could hold her all by himself and kept pushing my hands away.

Emma's turn...

Dressed and ready to go home after a very rough second night.

All snug in her carseat.

She was practically attacked coming through the door.

He is pretty pleased with her so far.

Jack keeps saying, "I just love Janey Kate!"

Elizabeth spent several hours holding her or sitting by her side.

Taking a snooze.

Sooooo Thankful for our Janey Kate!!!!
Look at you, super mom, blogging already!! She is just precious, and I am so happy for your family.
BTW, I love Miracle Blankets!!
She is absolutely beautiful! I love the pics of your kids with her, especially Creed. He seems so proud. :-)
Such a sweet and beautiful blessing!
She is beautiful. It looks like she won't be spoiled at all:)
Oh what a blessing! So happy for you. Glad all are well. She is beautiful, just like the rest of your kids.
Oh my! Oh my!! I don't typically gush over a new baby, but, OH RACHEL!! hearts and moons - Janey Kate is adorable
I teared up at the first pic of AMA and then just kept going from there. Thank you for sharing your joy and for letting her share my birthday. :)
Congratulations, Andersons! She's absolutely gorgeous! AND - she not only shares Boysnberry's birthday up there, but my Kylie's too. <3 <3 <3
Oooo I just want to squeeze her!!!! So excited for you all and celebrating!!! We love all the Andersons with great big snowy hugs!!
I'm in agreement with Jack. . .I love your Janey Kate too. I teared up looking at all the pics. The Andersons are a beautiful family. :)
Congratulations!! And she was born on a great day -- my bday. =) Looks like you have some good help. Praying for rest for all.
I saw that first photo and burst into tears. I am so happy for y'all! Thanking God for this precious gift and praying for you!!!
oh Rachel, no words. You are surely blessed many times over. She is beautiful.
And I hope the nights are a little less rough ... hugs!
congratulations! She looks absolutely adorable :-) Big hug from Metthe
GORGEOUS Baby Girl!!! Oh happy tears for you and your newest blessing.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
Congratulations! She is so sweet. Y'all are in my prayers.
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