I haven't done one of these in a while but that isn't because I haven't been sewing. I won't torture you with pictures of all the stuff I never got around to posting but here are two of the most recent things I made/finished this week.
First is a dress. The pattern is really for a very long top and only went up to a 6/7 so I lengthened it and made it a dress for Elizabeth. I don't love it but she does so I guess that is all that matters. I didn't take into account that the ruffle piece should be made fuller since the dress is longer! I decided I really like it best as a shorter shirt to wear with jeans or shorts. This was my first time doing shirring and I really liked it. It is kind of cool because it loosely gathers as you sew it adn then you steam it with your iron shrinking the elastic thread.

And second, remember Anne Michal's tie-dye quilt that I started last January or February. I finally finished it. I love the red polka dot back! I am rather sad she carried it off to bed tonight or I'd be cuddled up under it right now! Hopefully, I'll get started on another one soon.

wow!!!! I love them both. Lizzy looks like a young lady!!! AMA's quilt turned out really cute. Miss you all!
I agree with Aunt Melissa on both counts.
Marian :)
I love the dress!! She looks great in those colors.
Seeing the quilt makes me want to make one too. It turned out great. I love the polka dots on the back. :)
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