Thursday, October 29, 2009

Remembering Knox on his birthday

We kept up with our tradition of launching balloons, eating sonic for lunch or dinner(and regretting it), and eating cake Knox style.

The balloon gang. We learned a lesson last year: you can have too many balloons so we went to the party store and each person got a different color and then we got 3 more yellow ones.

We tried to go youngest to oldest but Creed not knowing anything about letting balloons go and everything about playgrounds and swings had a pretty one-track mind.

Jack went first instead.

Then Emma...

Lizzy....who finally solved the mystery of how she knew Knox's favorite color was green. She said that she asked him if his favorite color was green and he said, "yes." Simple as that.

Then Creed was ready to get into it.

Anne Michal...
Then they let the 3 yellow ones go together. I know I said it last year, but it is kind of difficult as you have that sense of letting go all over again, but the kids see it as a celebration so we do it anyway.

There they go.

Elizabeth made the cake all by herself and then spelled Knox in sprinkles. When did she get big enough to do that without my help. Well, I did get the pan out of the cupboard. ;)
Digging in...

The damage...

And then off to the playground to play.


Dana Lewis said...

So bittersweet... such a precious family you have there Rach!

Unknown said...

Oh for crying out loud... I was doing OK until I saw the three balloons picture. I need a hanky. You are so gracious to your children for doing this... letting them see this as a celebration. Gracious.

I think they will grow up and know how to handle grief properly. You are a great teacher. Well done Rachel and Jon.

robin said...

Looks like a wonderful way to celebrate such a special life. Thank you for sharing. But where are the pictures of mom????

Anonymous said...

We love you Knox. And oh how we miss you too.

--Hannah A.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Rach. Thank you for sharing. Hugs.

Kierstyn said...

How much your kids' faces have changed in the past several years, since Knox was born. They're more mature, and look older, and of course adding Creed's sweet face to your family is wonderful!! But this year the kids looked happy. I'm sure it was a hard day, but it looked like it was also a day of celebrating Knox's birth.

LiNz said...

WOW! What a precious way to remember and celebrate! You are an amazing strong woman, or maybe it's just your God shining through. Love yall, Lindsey
Happy Birthday Knox! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful in every way, Rachel. How precious your family is to our church. Thanks for sharing.

Kelly said...

Thanks for sharing, not just this post, but your precious Knox with us! We have all been

Anonymous said...


Love, Austin A.