Last weekend we traveled to Bay St. Louis, MS to visit our friends Mark and Robin and so Jon could baptize their youngest daughter Lucy. We have known Mark and Robin for 11 years now. I believe it was the first Sunday at Grace Pres in Starkville that Robin came up to me and said, "Hi! I am Robin. I"d be happy to babysit for you!" Those are music to a young momma's ears!
Anne Michal was 3 and Elizabeth was 1 at that point. Robin and Mark logged many hours at our house and all of us have fond memories of all the time we spent together. Jon married them and Anne Michal and Elizabeth were flower girls. Emma was just 10 days old! I still clearly remember the day we brought Jack home from the hospital. I was sitting at the table eating dinner and Mark and Robin were sitting on the couch holding Jack. Robin asks, "Will you all keep our baby in the fall while we go to the football games?" It was a very happy surprise. Sam was their firstborn followed by Katie, Nathan and now Lucy. Jon has had the privilege of baptizing all but Nathan. The following are pictures from the weekend minus the beach pictures which are still yet to come.
Lucy and Janey Kate in their matching little outfits being held by Anne Michal.

There was a lot of dressing up going on...

Fisherman Nathan

Creed as a lego spy.

Flowery Katie

Pirate Elizabeth

Goofball Jack aka Reidndeer Jack o' lantern.

Emma as "only she knows"

a little wii action

A hilarious game of Angry Birds.

Lucy playing

Janey Kate playing

We passed this on the way to the church. The kids wondered what it was and it kind of looked like a dungeon. I wish you could see the door better, but it is all that is left of a bank following Katrina...the vault.

The Steven's family

Us outside the church.You could see the ocean from the sanctuary which was pretty cool.

Emma, Katie, and Elizabeth. Emma and Katie were inseparable. Emma cried the first 4-5 hours of the trip home because she had such a good time with Katie. I guess we need to borrow a 4 yr old girl every now and then!

Jon baptizing Lucy. It was a great weekend and I am grateful they included us!
P.S. This post makes me feel old!
Katie is a spectacular playmate! When Robin and the kiddos came to visit us in the fall, our girls played happily all weekend without one single cross word. Amazing!
What a FUN weekend!!! And how precious to have Jon baptize Lucy! :)
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