you have been on our minds so much...
and I can still hardly believe that I can't just reach right over and swing you up into my arms even though you'd be too heavy now...

because I miss looking into that face that knew so much but said so is a long wait for an "I love you"

I thought of you while Jack and Creed were snuggled up on the couch watching TV and Janey Kate in just her diaper crawling all over them; for a brief moment, I could almost see you there too.

while it seems like you are on the outside looking in, I guess it is really the other way around and we are on the outside with barely a glimpse of your joy...
Let us praise and join the chorus
Of the saints enthroned on high
Here they trusted Him before us
Now their praises fill the sky
Thou hast washed us with Thy blood
Thou hast washed us with Thy blood
Thou hast washed us with Thy blood
Thou art worthy Lamb of God
No words, but much, much love sent to you. I love you friend - more than you can know.
(((Hugs))) Praying for peace and comfort as you wait for that sweet reunion.
- Lori
A friend sent over your blog post this morning. You are in my prayers as you miss your sweet, little guy. God chose to take our twelve year old son home to heaven in February. I feel your pain, but also your hope in a good God with glorious plans for His children. Keep fighting the good fight! God is faithful!
I cannot imagine how hard that must be. We love you all so much. You and your families are such blessings. My heart aches with yours and my tears flow with yours. All of my love~
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