Easter is a hard time of year for us. Knox's accident took place 5 days after Easter with Easter being the last big event we celebrated with him. We have lots and lots of memories of that day which fortunately came with many pictures as well. Sometimes I find myself annoyed that I have to connect Easter with his death and have found myself really bah humbug this week.( That is if bah humbug can go with Easter as well as Christmas)
But really that is silly because Easter is what gives us our hope. Our fallen world so full of sin; the same sin that brought death to our son. But that sin has been taken care of; erased. Easter reminds me that Jesus is a man of sorrows. That God sacrificed his son. He knows what it is to watch his son die. But because he did and Christ's blood was shed, our sins are washed away, and we have that blessed hope in eternity. Eternity where we are united with Christ and reunited with our son as well. Our son who already knows the joys of heaven and has been spared the pains of life. Beautiful really...just so hard to keep in sight.
Yeah, it is that time of year. I feel kind of a sinking in my heart and stomach and start to pray for you guys more without looking at a calendar or even realizing why.
We miss your family and we are praying for you all.
He is RISEN!
We've really been praying for y'all this month. He is one well-loved little boy!
We are praying for you guys!
We are praying for y'all too!
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